Islam and Democracy

Clicking the title above will launch RealPlayer. If you have a problem, here's the page where the link resides. The description on the page does not do the video justice.

By the way, The Council for the National Interest obviously has its own interest. For what it's worth, here's what Wikipedia says about it. McCloskey attended a Nazi holocaust revisionist meeting. That doesn't fill me with confidence. Here's what CNI says about this film.

Here's what Jake Tapper, writing about many Muslim groups, such as CAIR, AMC, etc., said about CNI a week after 9/11. (Salon; should load, but you might need to click through an ad or do a daily site signup.) Knowing Jake before his flowering as a national news-celebrity (was married to his step-sister for a few years), I would take this with a very large grain of salt. He's mainstream Main Line; a quasi-"liberal" stance on most things -- except Israel.

So, like all sources of information, I would assume some bias, clearly. But it's a different bias than we usually get.

This video is one hour long. The CNI group traveled from Egypt through Palestine to Syria and Lebanon talking to politicians, academics, diplomats, journalists, and others. I'm really more interested in what the people they interviewed said, edits and all, than CNI.

The CNI group was in Gaza when Hamas won the election; quite interesting stuff. You'll see a variety of views and a depth of culture and society -- and critique -- that pretty much never appears on American television.

Question: why aren't in-depth studies like this done by any but potentially sketchy organizations?