Information Clearing House needs your help!

Read on, Macduff:

Information Clearing House depends on readers to help offset the costs of web site hosting and bandwidth usage. Without reader support, both in forwarding news items to me and financial contributions, this site would not exist. I need your help to keep it going.

I would appreciate your providing whatever you can -- $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100.

  • To Use Credit Card at PayPal click here.
  • To use your credit card at Amazon click here.
  • Or if you prefer to send a check or money order: ICH, PO Box 365 Imperial Beach, CA 91933. USA.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Low income readers: DONT send money, just encourage others to subscribe.

To all those who have helped in the past. Thank you. - Peace & Joy. Tom